Apadrina la Ciencia is established by a group of scientists with extensive research experience committed to their profession and society. Their effort is not focused on financing their own research but on efficiently managing all the resources they obtain.From Sponsor Science they will identify and finance relevant projects among the scientific community in which a limited economic effort helps to achieve ambitious objectives. All offers of contracts for scientific personnel and financing of research projects will be made in public calls and will be evaluated by external committees formed by a panel of scientific researchers of recognized international prestige.
In May they already sent 5 000€ to a group of laboratories that are making COVID-19 tests to elderly people living in retirement and nursing homes in Spain. These COVID-19 laboratories are led by the scientist and professor José Manuel Bautista from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Tests are performed by volunteer scientists who have diverted their normal work to offer this service to the Community of Madrid. They generously offer their expert work, but they need material, like swabs to take samples, and reagents to obtain virus components and perform the analysis by PCR.
As Prof. Bautista explains “Our laboratory network at Complutense University of Madrid pioneered massive PCR analysis of nursing homes in Spain. With the donation received we continued performing PCR diagnosis of COVID-19 at nursing homes which certainly helped to save lives as allowed to rationally isolate virus spreader people (resident or employees) from healthy resident.”
Apadrina la Ciencia has proven capability to efficiently identify optimal beneficiaries and effective actions. We believe donations managed by experienced investigators will provide selected laboratories with much needed small equipment, research reagents, computers or access to service providers to analyze big data or economic support to share material.
If like us, you would like to support Asociacion Apadrina la Ciencia, you can find more information here: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/scientific-defeat-of-covid-19-in-spain/